5 reasons why you need to adopt varied exercises
Exercises are important for our body and health. However, with a wide range of muscles we have, it is crucial to allow all of them to move, progress, and grow. This is the only way to experience continuous progress and avoid injuries as well as hitting a plateau. In this article, we will see 5 benefits and reasons why you need to adopt varied exercises.
1- You won’t feel bored
Repeating the same workout will make you feel bored, you need new things to do to feel excited to hut the gym. Sometimes this is the reason why you feel that you do not want to start your next workout session. If that is the case, you need to start looking for a new workout to adopt. Go for a run outside, enroll in a new class your gym is offering, or just try new machines and equipment. This will put your body and mind on a constant challenge which will make you feel motivated and never bored.
2- The varied workout will help you build more muscle tone
Athletes usually have one strong and noticeable part of their bodies. For runners it’s their legs, for swimmers, it’s their shoulders and arms, etc. This is because they focus on developing the parts that help them compete better and be stronger. If you are not a professional athlete you have the opportunity to tone all your muscles equally so you have a strong and nice body rather than only strong parts.
3- It can help you prevent injuries
Doing the same movement over and over can hurt your body and lead to injuries. For this reason, varied exercises will help you alleviate the stress from parts of your body, and give them enough time to rest, while you train other parts of the body. Avoid repetitive movements and make sure you do a rotation of exercises where you do not have to train one muscle group many times during the same week. This will help avoid having overused ligaments, muscles and joints.
4- It can help you burn more calories
A big majority of people work out to lose weight and burn calories, and varied exercises are all they need to burn even more calories. This is because when you do the same workout every time, your body gets used to it. This will make it burn fewer calories because it adapts to the movements. Therefore, keep challenging your body, so it is always exposed to new movements that change before it gets a chance to adapt to them. This way it will burn more calories and you will have found an efficient way to lose all the unwanted weight.
5- It can help you prevent overtraining
Doing varied exercises means giving your muscles enough time to rest and recover before you need to put them to work again. Doing the same exercises again and again won’t allow your muscles enough time to rest and repair themselves. Therefore, between high-intensity workouts, make sure that you have low-intensity ones so you do not overstrain your body.