6 benefits of cycling for your body and health
Cycling is not only an activity to be enjoyed outdoor with the kids, but it is also beneficial for you. Therefore, if you have a bicycle, you might want to use it more. There are 6 benefits of cycling for your body and health.
1- It can strengthen your immune system
Cycling has been found to have great benefits for the upper respiratory system, which makes having a cold less common. Exercising aerobically will make you 40% less prone to being sick. Cycling improves your immune system by increasing the production of essential proteins and energizing white blood cells.
2- It can help you lose weight
We already know that losing weight is done by burning more calories than consumed. Cycling is a great way to lose weight as it can help you lose between 400 and 1000 calories per hour. Therefore if you want to lose weight then start cycling and make sure you watch your food intake as much as possible.
3- It can help you build muscles
Just like most exercising types, cycling burns calories and builds muscles. Cycling is all about resistance which is the key to burning fat and building muscles, especially in the area of the glutes, calves, hamstrings, and quads. Muscles are leaner than fat and having more muscles in your body means burning more calories, even when you are not active.
4- Your chances of heart disease and cancer will decrease
Cycling helps increase your heart rate and pump blood to all your body, helping you burn calories and lose weight. avoiding becoming overweight is helpful to keep your heart healthy and happy. Cycling has been proven to cut in half any chance of cancer as well as heart diseases for cyclists.
5- It will improve your sex life
While sex is good for your relationship, it is also good for your health, as it has been proven to be able to prolong your life. Professionals have concluded that men who have an average of 350 orgasms a year could live up to 4 years longer than those who have fewer. But how can cycling help in this? This is because cycling can build some essential muscle groups that are used in cycling and intercourse. When these muscles are better developed, intercourse will be better and longer.
6- It will improve your sleep
Good sleep is also one of the much-needed outcomes of being active and of cycling. A study that was undertaken over a course of 35 years and that studied both men and women from the age 20 till 85 years old, found that decreasing your fitness level by only 2% can have negative effects on your sleep.
The sharpest decline in cardiorespiratory fitness usually happens between the ages 40 and 60. This is the age when sleep problems related to quality and duration of sleep happen. Cycling can help affect sleep because it has a positive impact on anxiety, which when reduced, improves sleeping quality.