Here is how to find the best workout partner using StepChain’s features
A workout partner can be very important to motivate many people to commit to their workout routines. It can be the person who makes you want to start and finish your training just because they are training next to you. However, to find the right workout partner for you, you need to identify specific characteristics for this person. In this article, we will talk about the characteristics of the best workout partner and how to find the best workout partner using StepChain’s features.
1- Find someone who is more advanced
In order to let your partner motivate you to work out better, they should show more experience in working out. Once you see them achieving some results you will feel that you want to work out in order to reach the same fitness level they have already reached. You can ask a workout partner who is more advanced, questions about techniques and tips to improve your methods.
2- Find someone with discipline
Discipline is essential to help you achieve your goals easier and faster. Make sure that your partner is someone who is on time every day, and finishes their exercises no matter what the distraction is. This person will push you to be on time and accomplish all your tasks.
3- Find someone who does not have to work out with you
Your partner does not have to be present with you in the gym in order to motivate you to do your workout. You can look for someone on a virtual platform or a celebrity who posts about their workout routine and healthy lifestyles. These people can make you jump out of your sofa and head to the gym! Therefore if you cannot find someone in real life to work out with, look elsewhere, even if it is a friend who lives abroad and can stay in touch with you over the phone.
4- Stay away from “gym friends”
These are the people that you could meet in the gym. These people are usually called gym bros, and might look like they are well-experienced ad could impress you with their strength. However, do not let them influence you as most of the time they are not as experienced as they look like.
5- Be ready to “break up” with them
When you find your workout partner, you might have some problems with them, especially when it comes to your choices, goals, disciplines, styles, etc. Do not let this break up affect your real relationship or your workouts. Make sure that you understand that leaving your workout partner does not mean ending your workouts. Motivate yourself when you are working out alone until you can find yourself another partner.
How to find the best workout partner using StepChain’s features:
StepChain has many features that can help you find workout partners and compete with them to motivate each other and reach your goals.
1- Chat: the chat option allows you to get in touch with other users and share your progress together. Take advantage of this feature to ask users about their experience and for practical tips.
2 -Maps in discover section: go to the Discover section of the app where you will find the maps feature. In the maps, you will be able to see who is using the app near you, wherever you are. After finding who you want to talk to you can get in touch with them in the chat section.
3- Stories: just like other social media platforms, StepChain has the Stories feature where you can post and see seconds of other people’s active life. This feature can help you get inspired by others and find a partner who might have a similar lifestyle and goals.
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