How to avoid weight gaining and overeating during quarantine?
Being quarantined can expose us to all kinds of emotions and put us under a lot of stress. People express stress in different ways, but when it is mixed with boredom, many resorts to eating. Day after day you start realizing that you gained weight just by keeping yourself safe at home. So how can you avoid weight gaining and overeating during quarantine? The following article has the answer.
1- Eat balanced and nutritious meals
Trying your best to avoid feeling hungry can be extra helpful in avoiding binging. Therefore you need to consume foods that keep you feeling full for a longer time. The optimal thing to do is fill half of your plate with vegetables and divide the other half between healthy fats, whole grains, and lean proteins. As for the snacks, make sure you include very few highly processed foods such as chips and cookies, in order to stay physically and mentally strong. This has even more benefits such as giving you more energy, sleeping better, and feeling less bloated.
2- Stay hydrated
Drinking lots of fluids is very effective in keeping unwanted hunger away. Keep a bottle of water next to you and make sure you take a sip every half an hour at least. You can also set an alarm or use an application that reminds you to drink water and tracks how much you’ve drunk every day. Also, you can add taste to your water, whether by adding fruits to it or 0 calorie sachets of juice.
3- Listen to your body but put limits
Being quarantined could bring so much stress and pressure on you. For this reason, you need to find every single solution that can alleviate this stress and make you feel comfortable. One of these ways is not pressuring yourself too much when it comes to food and cravings. Listen to your body whenever it tells you that it wants to consume something, but make sure that you do not overindulge. Set certain rules such as “I can get one small cheat snack per day”. Try to make these snacks as healthy as possible; so instead of eating something sweet, and then a small cake as a cheat snack, switch them both to grilled vegetables, or carrots with hummus. Fewer calories more food.
4- Distract yourself
Many times your cravings come from boredom rather than hunger, so the best solution here is to distract yourself. Whenever you feel like you are heading to the kitchen, go out for a walk, read a book, listen to your favorite song, etc. You will forget that you wanted to eat and you will even understand that your craving did not come from hunger.
5- Exercise
Of course, exercising during quarantines is hard especially if you have a small house. However, it is still possible to work out even if all you have is a workout rug. Subscribe to a fitness program, or watch some YouTube videos about some home workouts. Make sure that you stay active and moving not only to burn calories and lose weight but also to stay away from the kitchen.
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